Thursday, 28 October 2010

Thanksgiving feast


When the Pilgrim come to Plimoth, they built 7 houses and three store houses for keep the first harvest. The Pilgrims survive all the winter.


The ducks are the main principal eat in 1621 because are many waterfowl in the Bay.


The Pilgrims woman roasts the duck for his husband while the children pitched in by grinding corn into samp. The samp is corn based oatmeal.


The native Wapanoag and Massasoit helped to the Pilgrims to survive. The Pilgrim´s feast was an act with celebration this help.The leader name was Ousamequin not Wapanoag.

5. A Wampanoag Gift

The means of Wampanoag hunt deer, and prepare a gift. The meat of the deer is their favourite dish.

6. Dinner is served

In the first Thanksgiving they don´t use the turkey, their dish for this celebration was the duck and venison.

7. A weeklong Feast

The meal ocupate all the week

8. Guest Quarters

The pilgrims ocupate the zone all the week. They builds your houses.

9. Playing Games
Between meals, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoang played games. The Wampanoag can learned the play Pin. The Wampanoag and the Pilgrim children might have played Blind Man´s Bluff together as well.

10. Test of Skill

One of the sports among the English was target shooting, the men competed to see who was the best shot. Besides sports, there was singing and dancing among the Wampanoag and the Pilgims.

11. The High Table

The “high table” at one of the meals would have been impressive, Massasoit, Squanto(the Wampanoag who taught the Pilgrims to plantnative crops), Governor William Bradfor, Captain Miles Standish, William Brewster and at least of Massasit´s or warrior counsellors.

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